BigMo // Ay Shay (Official Video)

Directed by: Artistic Outlet
Executive Producers: The NMDC & GLMG

 (Message From Big Mo)

First and foremost, this is a piece of art that expresses my opinion and the intent of the single “Ay Shay,” off of my EP “Fight For Peace,” produced by Samarei.
It has come to my attention that this satirical piece has left a few of its viewers feeling unsettled.
It is important to understand that I do not insight violence in any form; through my music, or in my personal life.
The purpose of “Ay Shay” is to bring attention to how wack the media, music industry, and extremism is; by using the Kuwaiti slang term that translates to whatever, wack, or anything, and can be read on the banner in Arabic.
The purpose of my art is to highlight the societal similarities between the two cultures I represent, from the perspective of an individual who has lived with and relates to both sides.
The accusations we projectile towards one-another with little knowledge is a trait I have discovered in both, the American and Middle Eastern societies.
Our obsession with materialism, abuse of media and power are too, similarities both sides share.
Our inability to accept criticism as a people, and lack of self-criticism has left many of us in a state of denial about our own flaws and shortcomings; for the sake of not succumbing to agreeing with those we consider enemies.
This is a problem we face as a people, independant of the cultures that separate us. This is not accusatory. I’m not placing blame on any group. This is something we all must individually work on for a better future together.


[Disclaimer: this video was shot in the U.S., I would not have access to these firearms in the Middle East.]


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