Christopher Brown Quartet – Stevie Wonder’s Golden Lady [Live Performance]

I haven’t seen these guys perform myself but when I saw that Farnell Newton was endorsing them that was enough for me. Here’s what he had to say in the video description.

The Christopher Brown Quartet plays every Wednesday night from 9:30-11pm, following his father’s [Mel Brown] set from 7:30-9pm. So in much the same way that this city has bonded together to support the recent successes of Esperanza Spaulding, Liv Warfield, and Jarrod Lawson, lets also get behind this Portland based band as well to help put them on the world map!

John Nastos (Alto/EWI)
Greg Goebel (Piano/Synth)
Dylan Sundstrom (Bass)
Christopher “TCOM” Brown (Drums)”

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