Revealed: Manscaping, what is it? When is it okay?


The definition of Manscaping according to the Urban Dictionary is:

A term used to define male grooming below the belt. A male can use both an electric razor or a regular razor. A Mach 3 is preferable with the ladies on the testicular area. No female likes to deal with hairy balls, so men must education themselves on proper manscaping and maintenance techniques.”

Why are we talking about this? I’ll tell you why, I got into a heated debate with some less enlightened brothas over the weekend and it made me realize that some education is in order. The majority of the group argued that shaving pretty much anything below the neck is for females, or feminine men. Not surprisingly these are the same guys that spend more of their free time holding a video game controller than some soft legs.

While their argument is flawed for many reasons let’s focus on good ol’ fashion ignorance. Fellas we’re not talking about shaving your legs or arching your eyebrows! We’re talking about common courtesy here. My mom always told me to never invite guests to the crib without tidying up the place 😉  I’m giving you guys a pass because I’m hoping that if you knew better you’d do better. Don’t fall into the category of men that think that because a woman has never complained to their face that they don’t notice or don’t care.

Some of you cave men are going to come for my head on this one. Bring it satchsquatch! Leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment box and don’t forget to follow our blog.

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