#Supportland..Remember that?




  1. 1.
    bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.
    “the dome was supported by a hundred white columns”
    synonyms: hold up, bear, carry, prop up, keep up, brace, shore up, underpin,buttress, reinforce, undergird More

  2. 2.
    give assistance to, esp. financially; enable to function or act.
    “the government gives $2.5 billion a year to support the activities of the voluntary sector”
    synonyms: help, aid, assist; More

    The purpose of this post isn’t to point fingers or dwell on a problem, it’s to try to begin the discussion of how to bring about change. Problem: overall, we as Portland artists (of all kinds) do not show one another enough support. Why? In my opinion it is because we have been conditioned to believe that there is not enough for us all to eat. In our minds when one of us is winning they’re limiting our opportunities to do the same, better yet, they’re taking food off our plates. It’s not because Portland people are bread to hate or to be bitter, it’s because we haven’t seen enough of us succeed to realize that opportunities are plentiful. Which is ironic because I truly believe we haven’t seen enough of us succeed because we don’t support one another. See where I’m going with this? Right, it’s a vicious cycle.

    If you were hoping to read this post and find that evasive quick fix then let me apologize, I just hope we can all agree on the issue and slowly begin to show love in our own ways. Before Scarface I knew nothing about Houston or southern Hip Hop. But because those from his city and region supported him and others like him the south has been flooding the radio airways for years now.


    One powerful tool that I know we personally are under utilizing is social media. A “like” goes a long way, re-posts and shares go even further. We’re not looking to start a “movement” let’s just do better.

    By the way, thanks for reading our blog 😉



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