Another sweltering weekday afternoon in Arizona, I decided to go shopping for some “teacher clothes” at Forever 21. Kind of ironic, I know. After perusing the racks for an eternity, I walk to the fitting room with just a few items. I’m approached by the fitting room attendant, a young lady who is reasonably cute from her head down to her…ankles?! Honey! I was baffled for the second time this week…
Upon first glance, I notice her gold head-piece draped over her curly, messy, low bun. Next, her over sized cargo-style jacket. I like, I think. I work my way down to her feet, as many of us women do, saving the best for last, her shoes. But first, as my eyes make their way toward the floor, her fingernails! Talon-esque nails, baby pink with a bright blue ring finger. Okay, nails noted. Eyes continue. I reach the shoes and, tuh, an epic fail, but worse…what is that on her toes?! NOT A DANG THING!!!
Instantaneously, all of these questions run through my mind: Where on earth is the polish?! What happened?! WHY are you wearing open toed shoes?! What did your feet do to you that they should be so undeserving?! And last, but most certainly not least…how come your fingernails are so perfectly manicured and yet your toes are au natural, and quite possibly, have always been?
I can’t think of a single excuse. So I bring to you, ladies, one of my top rules of living: ALWAYS have your toes painted. Always.
I can hear some of you now:
“Even in the winter, no one is seeing my toes then?”
“I just got a pedicure last month.” (pause)
“I never even wear open-toed shoes.”
“I don’t have time, I’m so busy!”
“I have pretty feet, I don’t need polish.”
My motto is: You never know when or where you may have to take your shoes off.
I can’t express this enough. No polish, chipped polish, polish painted over polish…I can’t! You can’t afford a pedicure, so?! A polish change will you do justice! Better yet, girl, paint your toes at home! You’re not very skilled at nail painting? Oh! They have people who can do it for you then! It is not difficult to step your toe game up!
Let’s recap. Live by these simple guidelines and you can do no harm!
- Always have your toes painted. Despite the season, the shoe, the man or lack thereof. Make it happen, no excuses.
- If you choose to disobey the first guideline, don’t be caught wearing open toed shoes with no polish. Hell, don’t even leave the house! (Unless you’re on your way to the nail shop and even then, better put your sneakers on!)
- If your polish chips (and is not easily fixed), take it off! Nail polish remover was a hell of an invention! I’d argue to say that chipped polish is worse than none!
- Your toes should be done every 2-3 weeks. That time varies from person to person (I’m quick to redo mine after just a week, but I’m a bit of a fanatic).
Now, take off those shoes and look down at your toes. Are you in violation? Happy painting, ladies! Please don’t neglect your toes, they deserve the same TLC that your fingers do! Remember, you never know when you might have to take your shoes off!
Can you spare two cents?