Local Talent Spotlight: Tedd Lokc [Interview]

We’re back with another spotlight on one of my guys,Tedd Lokc. This creative does it all, from music to film, books and apparel. He’s someone that has motivated me over the years and pushed me to continue to create content for the city. Take a second and get to know this young brotha and support his art.

503tv: For those that aren’t familiar with you tell them a little about yourself?

TL: I grew up in the heart of NorthEast Portland prior to gentrification. Deeply rooted in the community my whole life. At the age of 18 I found myself in legal trouble however was blessed with the opportunity to avoid incarceration and further my education at Clark Atlanta University.  Since matriculation  I have continued to pursue my music, became a published author and father of four boys.

503tv: Tell us about your book NUTTY. What inspired you to write it?

TL: My book (NUTTY) was inspired by the neighborhood I grew up in and things that myself, family and peers experienced here In the city’s underworld. I wanted to create a horror story about black people in the streets of Portland and not beat around the bush about the reality of what we go through in North & NorthEast Portland. I originally wrote the story as a screen play when I was still living in ATL. It wasn’t until about 2015 that I decided to present it as a novel. One of my aspirations since a kid was seeing my literature on the same shelves as my favorite authors Donald Goines and Stephen King. Today that dream is reality.

503tv: Your EP North East Flow released today, what can we expect?

TL: Its a straight up Rap project. I wanted to put something out to let people know I’m still spitting but also something native to Portland. Alot of artists change their style every few years to sound like whatevers popular. I wanted to show that we do have our own unique style (at least I do) here in Portland thats a quality sound. Expect something you can ride down Killingsworth to with this one. I have production from my nephew Dodo, Gil Gates, East25 and a few outsourced beats. Shout out to my homeboy Prxscott for getting me back into the studio for NE Legends. Thats the project that sparked the flame for this music.

503tv: How have you stayed motivated to create in such a wild year?

TL: Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve always aspired to do great things and to entertain. The events of 2020 actually blocked alot of distractions and helped me focus. My primary motivation is my 4 sons and not wanting to work for people.

503tv: What’s next for you?

TL: I’m currently working on the sequel to Nutty and I have already started recording more music. Also, working on an apparel line.


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